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Peels- An Overview

2 minutes read

The peel is also known as dermal-peeling, is a modern method to enhance the appearance of the skin. A chemical solution is applied to the skin, and that causes the dead skin to peel off. The new skin looks smoother and less wrinkled. Peels are just a form of exfoliation. It is beneficial for all skin types, colors and ages.

The procedure help in removing outer layers, allowing fresh and new layer of skin cells to emerge from underneath. Peels has dual cosmetic and medical benefits. Cosmetically, the skin renewal, improves the appearance of fine lines and pore sizes. Medically, it improves acne and Actinic keratosis.

What chemical peels treat?

It is performed on the hands, neck and face. It is used to:
• Reduce fine lines that appear under the eyes and around the mouth.
• Treat wrinkles that are caused by sun damage, aging and hereditary.
• Improve the appearance of mild scarring.
• Treat acne
• Reduce age spots, freckles and dark patches on the skin
• Improve the look of the skin texture.
• Smoothes your skin
• Improves the complexion
• Reduces visibility of pores
• Renewal of the surface of the epidermis also enhances the penetration of active products like Vitamin A and C.

How is it performed?

Aging takes a toll on our skin. Our skin becomes dull as the dead skin cells starts accumulating on the surface of the skin. Medical peeling is a process wherein a solution is applied to the skin to peel off the dead layer, in order to help the skin to regenerate.

Before the treatment, a cleaning agent is used on the skin, to remove excess oils. Chemical solutions like glycolic acid, are used on the skin in small portions. The solutions enable the skin to regenerate the new skin from underneath.

Preparing for peels
Prior to the treatment, the medical practitioner may ask you to stop certain medicines and prepare your skin with medications like Retin-A, Renova and Glycolic Acid. You are advised to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen after the treatment.

Talk to your doctor thoroughly about the treatment. Talk to your doctor about the precautions and after effects of it. Also, consult a reputable and licensed skin care specialist. It is imperative as you may not want an amateur to perform any medical treatment on your face.

For more details on Peels, call us for an appointment.


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