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what is liposuction?

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What is Liposuction?

Gaining sudden body weight day by day is not a matter of tension, with continuous healthy diet and proper exercise we can come back exactly to our earlier body positions. These days, with increasing stress and tight schedules people hardly get time to exercise and are becoming overloaded with extra fat packets all over different body parts. With advanced technology, liposuction is considered as a perfect surgical treatment that is used by people to get rid of these unwanted fat deposits on body parts.

Liposuction is also called lipoplasty, liposculpture suction lipectomy, or lipo. Liposuction can be called as a type of cosmetic surgery which breaks up and “sucks” fat from various possible parts of the body.

Liposuction improves the body’s contour by removing excess fat from deposits located between the skin and muscle. It is a perfect treatment that involves the use of a small high pressure stainless steel tube, called a cannula. The cannula is connected to a powerful suction pump and inserted into the fat through small incisions in the skin. Fat removal is accomplished as the suction cannula creates tiny tunnels through the fatty layers. After surgery, these tiny tunnels collapse and thus result in an improved body contour.

Why liposuction is done?

Liposuction is considered as a perfect and quite safe method to remove fat from your body using suction. Liposuction is the most common cosmetic operation that is chosen today by the people. Patients who undergo liposuction generally have a stable body weight, but would like to remove undesirable deposits of body fat in specific parts of the body.

Liposuction is not an overall weight-loss method – it is not a treatment for fatness. Liposuction does not remove cellulite, dimples or stretch marks. The aim of getting cellulite treatment is to enhance the contour of his/her body.

Liposuction can also be named as a perfect body contouring technique. Liposuction is not an alternative to weight loss if you are overweight. But it offers a way to a softer, thinner body for those with extra pockets of fat that won’t go away with weight loss or exercise from your body parts.

Areas on which liposuction is done-
• Abdomen
• Back
• Buttocks
• Chest
• Inner knees
• Hips
• Flanks (love-handles)
• Neckline and the area under the chin (sub mental)
• Thighs – saddlebags (outer thighs), and inner thighs
• Upper arms
Liposuction is also used to reduce breast size in men with large breasts (gynecomastia) or to remove fat tumors (lipomas) but it is most commonly used for aesthetic body shaping.

With positive effects of liposuction, there are some harmful effects too. The amount of fat than can be safely removed is limited. People can suffer from infection, numbness and/or scarring. If too much fat is removed there may be unevenness or dents in the skin.

Patients should discuss the pros and cons of liposuction with their physicians before deciding on whether to proceed.

What happens before and during the liposuction operation?
 Patients are to undergone few test s that are required for the liposuction procedure. When all formalities are fulfilled then they move to another crucial stage. The surgeon will mark out lines on the patient’s body, indicating where treatment will take place. Photos of the target area, and sometimes the patient’s whole body may be taken; they will be compared to pictures of the same areas taken afterwards.

Patients may feel a dull scratchy during the procedure as the cannula moves under the skin. This is normal. If any acute or different pain is felt the doctor needs to be told, as the medication or movements may need modification. Thus it is considered as a perfect method to get rid of unwanted fat pockets on your skin.

 Benefits of liposuction-

Liposuction technique proves as a perfect for better appearance. By removing fat in planned areas, a surgeon can help mold your body into the shape of your wish , get the skip on the weight loss you’ve been struggling to start or remove the last few pounds you’ve been trying to lose, remove cellulite, and help remain at a healthy weight.

The satisfaction and confidence will be the most important benefit that you will acquire. Now you will be able to see yourself back in perfect situation that you always desired. It creates spark within a person that is only reason that liposuction remains so popular.

Looking for a professional spa to get liposuction facility, Hills Medi Spa, Sydney offers you easy way to get rid of unwanted body fat deposits. Our plastic surgeons are one of best known plastic surgeons in Sydney They offer best liposuction in Sydney. With them, you can be assured to have a safe, easy, reliable, and comfortable treatment. They offer best liposuction treatment for their clients to get back in their proper body shape.




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